Jerusalem Artichokes, baked

Jerusalem Artichokes, baked in the oven, are perfect as a side-dish with your favourite meal, a great substitute for potatoes. Though they may have an odd appearance, the nutty flavour is quite delicious. Peel them or give them a good scrub to remove any grit, then cut them up as you would a potato before baking or frying.

Are jerusalem artichokes good4you?

Jerusalem artichokes are rich in iron to give you energy, along with potassium and vitamin B1, which support your muscles and nerves. Your gut health may also improve as they are a good source of fibre. Red peppers are a good source of Vitamins and minerals so when combined with jerusalem artichokes create an excellent side dish with your favourite meat or alternate protein source.


  • 1 tbsp. Olive Oil
  • ½ cup Red Pepper, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ¼ cup onion, 
  • 1 cup Jerusalem Artichoke, peeled & cut up
  • Salt & pepper to taste


Carefully scrub the jerusalem artichokes to remove all the grit or peel them if preferred. Cut into bite sized pieces. In a bowl, combine with the other ingredients and stir to coat with the olive oil. Spread on a baking sheet and bake at 375°F for 20 minutes, stirring once after about 10 minutes. Remove from oven and serve.

Makes: 2 servings


Cal/serv132Total Carbs.16.8g
Total fat6.9g  Fibre2.1g
Cholesterol0g  Sugars9g
Jerusalem Artichokes, baked in the oven